Monday, August 2, 2010

Feeling You Kick From the Outside

     On Friday July 23rd I was exactly 22 weeks pregnant and that was the first time I was sure I could feel you moving and kicking from the outside. I had been able to feel you move from the inside for a few weeks but you weren't quite big enough to let us feel you other wise. So that afternoon I was sitting on the couch watching t.v. after eating lunch and you made my belly move! I sat there and watched you make my belly for about 5 or 10 minutes and as cheesy as it sounds I almost started to tear up. I was just so ecstatic to be able to feel you and that, that meant that your dad would be able to feel you as well.  Later that night after he was home from work and we were hangout in the living room with your Uncle Nick you started moving again and you dad came and put his hand on my belly and after a couple of kick or movements he was able to feel you! I wish I could have taken a picture of his face, it was priceless, he was just beside himself! He has felt you a few times since then but no one else has been able to yet. You don't really move that much that I can feel unless I am sitting or laying down or right after I eat! Moments like that are absolutely priceless, everything about being pregnant has been amazing and such a blessing! I feel so lucky that you have come into our lives and can't wait until you are here to fill our lives with even more joy!

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