Tuesday, August 3, 2010

July Has Been a Busy Month for Us!

      Your dad and I had our trip to the beach at the beginning of July, then we went to your Aunt Molly's wedding shower on the 16th, we went back to see Dr. Shenker on the 27th, and traveled to Gulf Shores, AL for your Aunt Molly's Wedding the 28th through the 31st! The next day after we got home which was August 1st but we will included it as part of our busy month was our first baby shower for you in Hot Springs! Me and you were active to say the least!
     Here are some pictures from the wedding weekend and shower!

Me  (and you) with the beautiful bride!
I don't know how to describe these girls to you, they are some of the best friends that I could have ever asked for! Starting from the left is your Aunt Nikki, then me, Aunt Molly, Aunt Jenny and Aunt Courtney! Aunt Sara Beth is included in this group but could not make it since she had just had Maddie Beth! I say that all of these fabulous girls women are your aunts because they mean so much to me and I hope will be such a big part of your life that they will be more like aunts that just your mom's friends!

This is Holly Vance who was one of the hosts and one of my pledge sisters as well as a friend since Junior High!
Here is me and you and Aunt Corky (Courtney Rychtarik).

My Little Lacee also helped host the shower! She is so excited to meet you! I have a feeling you are going to love her!
One of the hosts, my pledge sister, Courtney Tackett! She was nice enough to have the shower at her house. I have know her since my freshman year of college when we were on the UCA dance team together!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Feeling You Kick From the Outside

     On Friday July 23rd I was exactly 22 weeks pregnant and that was the first time I was sure I could feel you moving and kicking from the outside. I had been able to feel you move from the inside for a few weeks but you weren't quite big enough to let us feel you other wise. So that afternoon I was sitting on the couch watching t.v. after eating lunch and you made my belly move! I sat there and watched you make my belly for about 5 or 10 minutes and as cheesy as it sounds I almost started to tear up. I was just so ecstatic to be able to feel you and that, that meant that your dad would be able to feel you as well.  Later that night after he was home from work and we were hangout in the living room with your Uncle Nick you started moving again and you dad came and put his hand on my belly and after a couple of kick or movements he was able to feel you! I wish I could have taken a picture of his face, it was priceless, he was just beside himself! He has felt you a few times since then but no one else has been able to yet. You don't really move that much that I can feel unless I am sitting or laying down or right after I eat! Moments like that are absolutely priceless, everything about being pregnant has been amazing and such a blessing! I feel so lucky that you have come into our lives and can't wait until you are here to fill our lives with even more joy!

Your "First" Trip to the Beach

      Your dad and I went on our first trip out of state together this year after being together for almost 7 years. We went to Destin, FL July 7-12, it was just us on the 7th then your Aunt Tori and Uncle Timmy came and stayed with us the rest of the week. We all had so much fun; playing on the beach, shopping, and eating lots of good food! Your dad and I kept looking at all of the little kids and the beach and talked about exciting it will be when you are here and we can take you! We are hoping that maybe next summer we will be able to plan a family vacation and you can have your first real trip to the beach and not just be in my belly! On our way out of town we had your Aunt Tori take some pictures of us and my pregnant belly. They turned out so cute, there is already one of them in a picture frame in your room! I was 20 weeks pregnant in the pictures and I hope you like them as much as I do!