Friday, December 17, 2010

Your Arrival

    I will have to go back and tell you about some events like our showers and such at a later date but right now I feel the need to write about the events that led to your arrival and to share with you the overwhelming joy that you have brought to my life!
     I guess we can start with what turned out to be my last prenatal visit. I went to see Dr. Shenker on Tuesday, November 16th to see if I had progressed any, which I had not. Since I had been dilated to 1 cm and about 80% effaced for about 3 or so weeks we discussed our options since you were obviously not wanting to come out on your own. Dr. Shenker was going to be on call and therefore could deliver you on that following Thursday the 18th or we could continue to wait on you to come on your own. I considered waiting since I loved being pregnant and wasn't opposed to giving you more time but after talking to Dr. Shenker and deciding that my body most likely wasn't going to progress on its own I decided to go ahead and be induced on the 18th.
     Your dad and I checked into the hospital Wednesday night (the 17th) at 8:00 p.m. and once we were settled in and I was hooked up to the monitors our nurse Kim administered the Cytotec that was supposed to help start me in the direction of labor. I got that medicine again four hours later and four hours after that they started Pitocin. I was on Pitocin from about 5:00 a.m. until around 4:00 p.m. We had tons of family and friends there all day long waiting on your arrival! Dr. Shenker came to check on my that morning and at lunch, both visits I was still only 1 cm. Finally at 4:00 Dana, our nurse, checked and I was still only a 1 so at that point I knew that we had to explore our other options. We then started the process of getting me ready to have a C-section. That was not "my plan" but I have learned from day one of being pregnant with you that our plans aren't always what is best for us! After that final decision to have a C-section was made around 4:00 things moved rather quickly. I received my epidural, was taken to the OR, prepped, and you were born at 5:05 p.m.
      Just like I told you that I didn't know if I could ever put into words the experience of hearing your heartbeat for the first time, seeing you for the first time is equally unexplainable. Dr. Shenker lifted you over that curtain and said "hey mom" and in that moment I fell in love in a way that I had no idea was possible. I had no idea what I expected you to look like but as soon as I saw you it was like that was exactly what you were supposed to look like and you were ours! Your dad and I both started crying. Then as the doctor and nurse were cleaning you and making sure you were ok you continued to cry so loudly that your dad and I both started laughing! Your dad was the first one to get to hold you since they were sewing me up and then once I finally got back to the labor and delivery room I got to hold you for the first time! Still right now as I write this it almost brings tears to my eyes! Your dad and I had a moment before we let everyone in to come see you with just the three of us and we both felt so lucky to go from the two of us to a family! After that we let all our family and friends that were there come see you in groups of four. After most everyone had a chance to come back and the labor and delivery floor was done with us were you put up on the recovery floor. We stayed until Saturday morning and then we got to come home. I sure I will go back and tell you about our hospital stay and our experience but for now I think that is enough hospital talk.
       The day you entered our lives is one of the best days of my life. I think to myself all the time, how am I so lucky?! I am constantly in awe of how precious and handsome you are. No matter what never forget how much I love you!


Your Dad and I before we left for the hospital

Me before they took me back for surgery (not the best picture but it is what it is)
Your dad before getting ready to go in the OR with me, how cute is he?!
The first time I go to hold you!

You getting weighed and measured


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