Tuesday, September 28, 2010

59 Days and Counting!

Nothing crazy and new to share with you today really. I just want you to know that you are on the forefront of my mind pretty much every second of the day! It has really hit me the past couple of day, I need to get myself in gear because you are going to be here before we know it and I still feel like I have so much to do! Somehow I think that no matter what all I get accomplished before you arrive I am still always have a to do list a mile long so I might as well just get used to it!
You are quite the little tumbler these days that is for certain! I think you might have even found my ribcage if I'm not mistaken! Don't get me wrong though I love it. You tumble all you want because every kick, turn and tumble lets me know that you are still ok in there!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pregnancy Brain

Well we had an appointment to go see Dr. Shenker today and I was sure that it was at 1:30. However when I showed up at 1:30 the receptionist couldn't seem to find my appointment....well it seems that my our appointment was at 11:30! So I rescheduled for tomorrow at 11:30 and we will try again and see if I don't loose my mind between now and then! I was so ready to hear your little heartbeat, so now I'm extra ready to go tomorrow. Then we will start going every two weeks! It is getting closer and closer to time for you to make you arrival and forever change our lives! Also we just found out a few days ago that your Aunt Tori and Uncle Timmy are going to be having a baby in May! So now you will have a little buddy to get into trouble with when we all hang out! Love you and can't wait to meet you!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

You Have Furniture Now

Your name that is in the center of the wall that your bed and changing table is on! Your Aunt Tori helped me make these a few weeks ago!
Daddy putting together your crib!
Putting together the finishing touches!
Next was the changing table! Daddy working hard again!
This was after we got the bed put together! I had to add the throw and pillow even though we don't have the rest of your bedding yet just so I could get an idea of what it will look like!