Sunday, July 4, 2010

11 Ounces

     Thursday, July 1st I got to see you again! I was so excited and this time instead of your dad going I brought both of you grandmas, to say they were excited would be a huge understatement! I wish your dad had been able to come to but I'm really glad your grandmas got the chance to see you! First we saw you on the ultrasound and confirmed that you were a boy for sure and she also measured different things like your bones, head, and heart rate and checked to make sure you had all four chambers of your heart and that your spine was completely enclosed. She also told us that you weighed about 11 ounces so we are almost to a pound!  Everything measured great and look perfect according to the sonographer and Dr. Shenker which is a huge relief. After the ultrasound we then saw Dr. Shenker, he got to meet your grandmas and we all got to listen to your heartbeat which sounded strong and perfect! I really don't think I will ever get sick of hearing your racing heartbeat each time it brings me such relief to know that you are ok and excitement that you are on your way!
     On an off note, I know you will end up calling your grandparents whatever you want to but I think that you should call my mom and dad, BonBon and Z Daddy! I'm not really sure what you should call your dad's mom and dad but I am sure we will come up with something! I can tell you this much your Aunt Tori and Uncle Timmy are so excited about you it's not even funny! We went garage sale shopping on Saturday and I think they got you as much stuff as I did!
     Your dad and I are leaving for Destin, Florida tomorrow night to go on our first vacation together so I'm sure I will have lots to tell you when we get back and pictures of my growing belly! We can wait until we get to bring on our next vacation! I love you and can't wait for you to be here!!

Here are a few of my favorite ultrasound pictures!

(above: Proof you are a boy!)
(below: The front of your face! One of my favorites)
(below left: The front of your face and your hands by your face.)
(below right: The four chambers of your heart)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a new blog! I have a ton of catching up to do. =)

    Congrats on finding out it is a boy! So exciting!!
