Friday, May 17, 2013

Sullivan's 6 Month "Birthday"

My sweet Sullivan Rose,
How in the world are you 6 months old already? Time really does fly when you are having fun! Wednesday was May 15 which marked your 6 month "birthday." Around our house that means Crye babies get to try solids for the first time (we did the same thing with Coleman). Up until yesterday you have been exclusively breastfeed, with the exception of whatever your brother has tried to feed you when I have my back turned. :) So you can thank momma's milk for all of those sweet fat rolls!

Sweet potatoes were on the menu tonight. I had smashed up some we had left over a couple of weeks ago and frozen them in preparation for you starting solids. You seemed a little confused and excited all at the same time by the texture and taste of "actual" food.

You are growing so fast! We go for you 6 month check up in the next couple of weeks so we will get your "stats" of how much you have actually grown then.

More 6 Month Tid Bits:

You can sit up completely on your own now(you have been "tripod-ing" for a while but no hands are need to help keep you up now).

You have been army crawling for a couple of weeks but now you are really on the move! You switch between really crawling and army crawling but boy can you move!

You are such a morning baby! You usually go to sleep between 8-9  and sleep until 5:30 or 6. On occasion you wake up somewhere around 3, I bring you to bed with us, nurse you back to sleep and then you just stay in our bed. No matter what time it is you usually wake up cooing and the moment I come to pick you up I get the biggest grin possible!

You have cut the two middle teeth on bottom.

You like to be worn in the baby wrap when we are out and about walking or running errands.

You absolutely love your brother! You laugh and grin at him all the time. He in turn loves his sister! Coleman tells everyone "That's my Sullivan."

You and Daddy have father/ daughter time most weekday mornings after I leave for work and Coleman is still sleeping. I think he is training you to love Sports Center then I will be out numbered. :)

Love you to the moon and back,

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