Wednesday, May 26, 2010

14 weeks

So I didn't get to write last week since we are having some computer issues at home so I had to wait for the chance to come up to the office. We get to see you a week from today and I am so excited. We are going to Dr. Shenker and are going to have our first ultrasound! I am hoping that since I will be 15 weeks and 1 day that maybe, just maybe we will be able to find out if you are a boy or a girl! Oh my goodness I am just so excited. I never thought that I would be so happy about going to the doctor. I'm not showing yet nor have a felt you move but I am hoping that all that fun stuff will start happening soon! This is a short post but I know I will have lots to say after next week! Love you so much and can't wait until I get to see you next week (via ultrasound)!


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