Thursday, April 22, 2010

9 Weeks

Ok so I really thought I would be better about keeping up with my updates on this blog since you are on your way but life has been busy, busy, busy! So at this point I think most everyone knows that you are on your way. People keep asking me if I think you are a boy or a girl, I think you are a girl but truth be known you and God are the only ones that really know what you are at this point. I can't believe that we are going to have to wait until around the first of July to find out! I am so excited to go back to the doctor this coming Tuesday, the 27th, your dad and I should get to see you and hear your heart beat for the first time I think. I know that all of this is really but at the same time I think hearing your little heart beat is going to make it all the more real. We are about 4 or 5 weeks from being in the second trimester which I am so ready for, I feel like after that I will be able to breathe a sigh of relief!

According to the app on my phone you are about the size of a prune but less wrinkled!

Love you,

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