Thursday, April 29, 2010


So we went to see Dr. Harrison Tuesday April 27th, 2010, I was exactly 10 weeks pregnant and heard your heartbeat! I thought that we might get to have an ultrasound done but that was not the case. We are most likely going to have to switch doctors not because we don't like Dr. Harrison but because of insurance issues. So hopefully when we switch doctors we will get to "see" you via ultrasound. I don't know that I will ever be able to accurately put into words what it was like to hear your little heartbeat! It is a moment in time that I hope to be able to remember every detail of for the rest of my life. I will try to describe it as well as I can, your dad got to come with me which was really exciting then Dr. Harrison came in the room and got this little machine out of his pocket that I believe is called a Dopplar device and started moving it around on my stomach at first we heard a heartbeat and he was like "now that is your heartbeat we are looking for something about twice that fast" so he continued to search for you and sure enough he got to my lower left abdomen and there was this amazing fast strong heartbeat that made my world stop. I really thought I was going to cry but when it came down to it I was just in such awe that all I could do was listen. Your dad says he sounded like a strong boy heartbeat and I say it sounded like a fast girls heart beat, hopefully in the next 6 to 10 weeks we will find out who was right. Either way we are beyond excited and love you more than you might ever know!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

9 Weeks

Ok so I really thought I would be better about keeping up with my updates on this blog since you are on your way but life has been busy, busy, busy! So at this point I think most everyone knows that you are on your way. People keep asking me if I think you are a boy or a girl, I think you are a girl but truth be known you and God are the only ones that really know what you are at this point. I can't believe that we are going to have to wait until around the first of July to find out! I am so excited to go back to the doctor this coming Tuesday, the 27th, your dad and I should get to see you and hear your heart beat for the first time I think. I know that all of this is really but at the same time I think hearing your little heart beat is going to make it all the more real. We are about 4 or 5 weeks from being in the second trimester which I am so ready for, I feel like after that I will be able to breathe a sigh of relief!

According to the app on my phone you are about the size of a prune but less wrinkled!

Love you,