Monday, June 21, 2010

My Sweet Baby Boy

I am 17 weeks which is so exciting and yet hard to believe. Sometimes it feel like just yesterday I took that pregnancy test that changed my whole world! I went to the doctor on Tuesday last week for just a normal check up plus some blood work. Your Aunt Abbey went with me this time and while we were there she got to hear your heartbeat, for her it was the first time to hear it and she thought that was so cool! For me even though it was my third time to hear you little heart beat it still is one of the most awesome sounds I have ever heard. It lets me know that you are ok and brings me a since of relief.

You finally have a name now, Coleman Lewis Crye. As you will most likely be told through out your life your name has "meaning" for a couple of different reasons. Coleman was my maiden last name and since I am one of three girls and your grandpa had no brother there are no boys to carry on that last name, at least in our immediate family so you will carry it on as your first name. As for Lewis not only is it your dad and grandpa Tony's middle name but also it was your great grandpa Lewis' first name. As for your last name just blame your dad for that! lol! I think it is cute to call you a "Crye Baby" now, hence the name of the blog, however as you get older I have a feeling you won't care for the name as much!

I think I might have felt you move for the first time on Saturday, I say might because I'm not completely sure since you are so small your moves are supposed to be faint so I have been told but it was definitely a different feeling than my normal stomach rumblings. It happened when your dad was rubbing on my stomach trying to get you to move so I better not already be seeing a trend that you are going to do more when your dad ask you to than me! I would also say that in the last couple of weeks I have noticed that I am somewhat starting to look more pregnant and less like I just had too many cupcakes, so that is exciting!

I feel like so much has happen in just a couple of weeks, I can only imagine what it is going to be like when you are actually here!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's a boy!!!!

Last Wednesday, June 2,2009, we found out that you were a boy! Oh my goodness it was one of the coolest things that I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing to see you on that screen! I was 15 weeks and 1 day according to your original due date of November 23rd but after looking at you and measuring you the sonographer changed your due date to November 26th making me 14 weeks and 4 days at the time of your ultra sound! We were unsure if we would be able to find out your gender since I was still early along but it seemed like no time after she started doing the ultrasound that she said "it's a boy." Your dad and I were both like "no way!" He might not want me to tell you this but I'm pretty sure he was about to start crying and I would say that I was about to do the same but I was just so awe stuck that I couldn't! I think that we both could have stayed there and watched you all day! I kind of wish that I had my own ultrasound machine so I could look in a check on you everyday.  I am so happy that you looked healthy and seem to be doing great. I hope that you realize how much a of blessing that you truly are and never forget that! You have so many people who already love you and you are only that size of an avocado!

We are still unsure of your name but as of right now I think that the front runner is Coleman Lewis Crye. I think that will most likely end up being your name but we are going to explore a few other options just to make sure that is the right one.
