Saturday, March 20, 2010

OMG I Think You Might be on Your Way!

Ok so I can't really shout it from the roof tops yet but I have take four pregnancy tests that say that a little baby Crye is in the works! :) Your dad and I are just beside ourselves and don't even know what to think! This is that last thing we expected. Up until now I was she that we would either have to go to extreme measures or adopt due to certain circumstances but according to First Responce and Clear Blue Digital that is not the case! I took the tests on Thursday March 18th and told your dad that morning before I left for school (UCA that is). Then yesterday which would be Friday March 19th we told your Uncle Timmy and Aunt Tori because we were over at their new house. Next will be your Aunt Autumn because she lives in West Memphis I won't be able to tell her in person but I know she is going to be so excited! We aren't really telling too many people until I can go to the doctor and confirm everything. We are waiting to tell your grandparents on both sides until I go to the doctor as well just so we know that everything is going ok. I think that we are just too scared to get too excited because of the fear that something could go wrong. I prayed as hard as I could last night that everything would go ok and oh how I hope it does. Also little baby Crye inside of me we went out to eat last night to celebrate I guess you would say and we really liked our waitress' name, Audie, so don't be suprised if you are a girl if that turns out to be your name. OMG I still can't believe this could be real!


Monday, March 8, 2010


Ok so the great name debate has been going on for almost as long as I can remeber Clinton and I even talking about children and we almost never agree. So I will share with you now what I would like to name our future children knowing that between now and then it will most likely change. This is also under the asumption that we have a girl, then boy, then girl.
Eden Harlow Crye
Declin Lewis Crye
and a the last girl I'm not completely sure but a new one that I like is
Pasiley Mae Crye


Friday, March 5, 2010

So your father or future father I guess I could say ask me last night if had extra baby fever. lol So I guess he is starting to think it is getting that time as well. I mean I know he has always wanted kids but I think that we both are really starting to want to start a family. So here is hoping that the Crye family goes from 2 to 3 in the near future!
